mandag 4. juli 2011

Plans For Today / New Bikini ♥

Good Morning 

We started this day by eating a small breakfast on the beach, and then we went to a spa and made a refreshing body scrub.

I have absolutely no problem with being in the water all day. I will simply never get tired of it! Jorge does not have anything against it and find it just as much fun as me. We took a little break so I could blog a bit and we got something to eat.

This day is goig to be absolutely great, but soon we will go up to our rooms, we are having a new guest who is going to join our vacation. I bet he have already told you guys back home. Yupp, its Andrè!

Funny fact; I got this funny question last week about why Amie's boyfriend (Ricky) is with me all the time? For those who didn't know, there is actaully two of them. Yes, they are twins. Frightening similarity huh?!

                                                                   -  (Ricky <---&--> Robin Andre) 

Most of my day will be relaxing on the beach or in te water, and that makes it even better to be here. But now we have to just pull our self back to the shade and coolness for a while. I believe that my poor friend will burn soon. He is always so careless when it comes to anoint himself with sun protection. haha​​ ^^ Poor Jorge 

And we got a friend to meet! 

See you soon 



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