fredag 1. juli 2011

Happy ! ♥

Hellow you gorgeous !

Im sorry for leaving you without any updates...but as you know my laptop has been on repair. I'm bloging from my buddy's laptop and will continue from my own tomorrow!

As you may have noticed I have also dyed my hair! Brown streaks and tips! I should perhaps color the entire hair,
but that should wait a litle. 

                                                  (Ps:The ends is now colored brow)

Today has been a relaxing day. To start with, it was exhausting because of the long jogging. But in the end of the day it pays off to go out for some fun.

Today's outfit:

(OBS! Dark brown extensions is on)

Right now I'm at a seaside resort swimming! It is a place rented by a a friend holding her 18 year birthday! Happy Birthday Cecilia 

Tonight's outfit is nice and easy for such an evening:

Photos from the night will be posted tomorrow! Good Night 



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