fredag 26. august 2011

Happy Friday!

Hey Hey,

School and homework is already well underway, and the study takes so much time! Espeacially since  I've considered doing them properly for once! (A) And YES! I'm almost 99% sure I want to move out! I feel like the house is too big for little me. Daddy's going to be too much away this year. Having such a large house on 3 floors for myself in a year is just sad.. I have begun to search for a 4-room apartment to myself. Perhaps, I'll buy my own apartment, but it is too early to say yet. I can just not share a apartment with Jorge, he's special ..... his times...his many other things I will not even mention...(his such a dirty playboy) But in the future, maybe in 1 year, I can MAY, consider the matter of CONCIDERING the idea... Hehe sorryJorge, I Love You 


Today suddenly decided to stay outdoors. Jupp, I want to sleep in the woods! I came across my small 3-man tent and thought it wouldbe fun! so I forced poor Jorge with me on a little trip this weekend. It's going to be so much fun! I love nature and outdoor activities. I take a jog in the woods 2 time a week with my dogs. I am a nature person. I don't complain about bugs and mud. As you know, I've always been a boy-ish girl ... a tomboy! So I'm excited, Jorge also love these crazy stuff I do ^^ 

Everything is packed and we're ready for nature! 

So we'll see you tomorrow =D



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